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International Economics(16版)
商品網址: http://igrape.net/redirect.php?k=e8cbc6e9b95ebb6e32a2b0f1d8b5f732&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=
Key Features
1.AS/AD Framework Appendix: This provides flexibility for instructors who would like to include this approach in their course.
2.Labor Issues Discussed: The book continues to weave discussion of labor issues into a number of chapters in Parts I and II.
3.Trade and the Environment: It includes discussion of such topics as WTO rulings on environmental policies that affect international trade, transborder pollution, ozone depletion, and global warming.
4.Export Dumping: The material on the dumping of exports includes data on recent anti-dumping actions and the discussion of the use of anti-dumping policy as a protectionist device.
5.NAFTA: The discussion of NAFTA includes a treatment of the important rules of origin. MERCOSUR, the free trade area of South American countries, is also discussed; this is significant because this is the first effective free trade area among developing countries.
6.End-of-Chapter Questions: Each chapter has at least ten questions and problems.
7.Balanced Coverage: The text covers all of the conventional topics in International Economics while grappling with the issues that are being discussed in today’s economic journals and newspapers.
8.Real Situations: Applications taken from real economic situations appear in two-color boxes, so students immediately see the relevance of theory to world economics.
作者: Thomas Pugel
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/01/13
- 語言:英文
International Economics(16版)
: http://igrape.net/redirect.php?k=e8cbc6e9b95ebb6e32a2b0f1d8b5f732&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=
近期《金融時報》報導指出,美國科技大廠Apple(蘋果)有意收購英國超跑廠McLaren技術集團,據稱是為了Apple Car計畫開創新方向,不過就在消息傳出後沒多久,McLaren就出面否認這項傳聞,堅稱目前雙方並沒有討論過此事。
雖然McLaren擅長打造高單價的性能超跑,但2015年僅生產1,654輛,而Apple有意入主的McLaren技術集團,最近一期的財報為虧損狀態,不過仍承諾會在未來6年間,投入10億英鎊於研發上;目前McLaren技術集團是由董事長Ron Dennis、車隊老闆Mansour Ojjeh、以及巴林的主權財富基金Mumtalakat所持有,傳聞指出,Mumtalakat可能會為了獲利,將持股出脫給Apple。
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